What the Heck is a Stick Wrap?

What the Heck is a Stick Wrap?

We get it!  Not everybody wants to cover up that $300 name brand stick, but what if last year's stick is just as good or better than this year's technology?  Try something new, have some fun, #TrickYourTwig!  Personalize to your own team colors and style.  Heck, have your whole team join in the fun and create a style that unifies and bonds you.  You will cherish these memories the rest of your life.  When your playing career is done, you can hang that stick on a wall in your game room and reminisce about your #GloryDays.  That name brand stick won’t remember your team's name or the year you played, but a sweet stick wrap from @BLADESHARK Sports will serve as a reminder of exactly WHO and WHERE you were, and that my friend…is #Priceless!

Offering protection and stylish designs, our hockey stick wraps are made from a durable, self-adhering double laminate vinyl.  Available in many unique designs and patterns, including our specialty, Custom Team Designs.  Our hockey stick wraps are easy to install and easy to replace if you bolt to a new team next season.  All wraps are packed in a plastic sleeve, heat-sealed with installation instructions and a complimentary @BLADESHARK_Sports decal.  Our hockey stick wraps are available for Players and Goalies.

Get yours today!

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