How to apply BLADESHARK Lacrosse Stick Wrap
1. Remove butt end cap and all tape from stick.
2. Thoroughly clean stick using solvent to remove all tape residue.
3. Cut wrap to appropriate length.
4. Position stick upside down with basket between your knees, crouch in front of a wall with butt end of stick leaning against wall.
5. Working with only 6 to 8 inches at a time, begin to remove liner from wrap, exposing adhesive side.
6. Using position diamond and name block to align wrap on stick, press wrap to stick, design side facing up.
7. Continue peeling liner from adhesive side and pressing wrap down center of shaft using diamonds at each end for alignment.
8. Once wrap is adhered to center of shaft, smooth it all the way down.
9. Working with one side at a time, slowly smooth wrap around shaft.
10. Always smooth in direction of open side to prevent air pockets.
11. Repeat on other side.
12. Wrap should overlap slightly.